Meridian Stress Analysis

What is MSA?

MSA is meridian stress analysis measured using the QEST4 Bio-Energetic technology machine, which are basically frequency generators. The therapy is non-invasive, simple and very effective. Better results have been seen addressing sensitivities,  immunity, digestive system, hormone and even emotional balance using these machines.

They are also very effective at balancing bacteria, eliminating parasites and regulating cells against viruses. By altering the frequencies in the body and causing these cells to vibrate differently it changes the internal and external environment very effectively.


Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German medical doctor and engineer began researching and proving an innovative testing method now known as EAV (Electroacupuncture according to Voll) in the late 1940’s.

This method was documented and proven, in over a decade of hospital studies, in Germany and today is widely used throughout Europe by over 25,000 medical practitioners. In the United States, it is currently growing in acceptance.

How does it work?

MSA technology is a non-invasive way we can assess the status of the body to allow us to see a true picture of how the body is functioning on an energetic level. The use of electrode probes, held in the hands or with patient hair, nails and saliva samples allows the technology to receive energetic signatures (frequencies) which are received in the technology, and then generates detailed reports of organs, glands, and tissues causing dysfunction in the body.

Once the system has identified the energetic dis-resonance, it will then pre-screen potential energetic frequencies to balance the disturbance; these energetic frequencies are then imprinted into homeopathic tinctures for you and/or your pet to take twice a day, so you can continually balance the energetic disturbances.

Bio-Energetic Scan Technology

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